Boukornine | Afrikya Photo Diary (Oct 8–14)
Daily Glimpse Into Tunisia's Multifaceted Heritage since 2016.
Once more, we bounce to the holy hill of Byrsa, home to the Mistress of the Mediterranean: Carthage – modern-day Tunis, witnessed for about three millennia by its massive Bishorn "Boukornine" Mount, immortalized through the lens of Issam Barhoumi
Next, we plunge into the pristine sea of La Goulette for a close-up of majestic Boukornine Alp.. There can't be a more peaceful setting for that content fisherman.. Portrayed by Tunisia's Ghazi Gherairi - Keep Hope Alive!
As we zoom in further to admire Tunis' epic Mount, we stumble upon those carefree flamingos chilling in the shallow waters of the salt lake, captured from afar by Skander Chihi, from Tunisia.. Brace Yourself!
In the heart of the lake, lies a tiny yet unwavering citadel: Chikly islet's Santiago, eyeing Tunisia's coveted Tunis for six centuries and more.. Explored and captured by Mourad Ben Cheikh Ahmed
Today's tableau: A hopeful bridge, a rocky giant, and a celestial painting over the skies of Greater Tunis, Tunisia at its Golden Hour through the lens of Skander Chihi
“Absolutely gorgeous shot. A beautiful capture of a beautiful place” – Brent Ghelfi, author, US
Behind the lake.. Beneath the alp.. Nearby the once-dominant Carthage lies another fierce yet cushy city: Tunisia's Tunis, proudly highlighting its resilient, multifaceted nature, portrayed by its passionate explorer Mourad Ben Cheikh Ahmed
.. and we circle back to the neighboring hills to get a taste of Greater Tunis and Mount Boukornine shrouded in the mist by a delightful afternoon, cherished and served through the lens of Myriam Lilia Besbes from Tunisia.. Take a break!
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