Ancient Sea | Afrikya Photo Diary (Dec 16–22)
Daily Glimpse Into Tunisia's Multifaceted Heritage since 2016.
This is not Mars' Mount Sharp, this is a slice of the Saharan Alps Dghoumes towering around North Africa's largest salt pan Chott Djerid, deep south Tunisia through the lens of Skander Zarrad
“This Looks Like a painting 😍” - Danny, DE
.. and we contemplate the vastness of a once mighty sea within today's Sahara desert in southwestern Tunisia, captured amidst Chott Djerid by Souleimen Jmii all while enjoying his crunchy wander
In the middle of nowhere emerges an abandoned boat frozen in salt and.. time, met and portrayed by Tarek Laabidi around Tunisia's Saharan inner sea: Chott Djerid
As if by magic, we ascend over this salty, otherworldly pan to savor the expanse of its immaculate cover blending with Sahara shades.. Unveiled by the drone of Ghassen Bouabid in Chott Djerid, SW Tunisia.. Keep exploring!
Once more, we immerse ourselves in that dreamy, silver realm of the Saharan Sea, following the steps of bewitched wanderer Simon Ilse across Tunisia's Chott Djerid salt pan.. Plunge in!
“It’s a place that must be visited! Beautiful 😍” - Sean G., IT
As we wander aimlessly amid salt and sand, we stumble upon a wet slice of the boundless pan immortalized through the lens of Afif Mehri, from the heart of Chott Djerid, in the vicinity of Tunisia's Sahara desert.. Keep Hope Alive!
Oddly enough, the Saharan salt pan can be graciously filled at times as depicted by this limitless view of Chott Djerid by the twilight, captured by Tunisia's nature lover Nejib Chouk – Peace!
“Wow love the view” - Magda J, IN
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